# Flaneur Browser - A [[web]] [[browser]] that doesn't exist, but could. - It might be a [[future project]]; or it might just be that it its principles are [[embodied]] by an existing browser, like [[firefox]]. - It might be [[cortex]]. - It is a proper [[user agent]]. It has the interests of [[users]] first and foremost. - It is developed by a group who believes users, those being actual human individuals, should take back control of the internet from problematic corporations. - It ships with two [[assistants]]: - [[socrates]] - [[robofriend]] - It comes with power user features, like good support for web [[CLI]]s and [[scripting]]. - Users can share programmable [[actions]] in a [[market]]. [[macros]]. Think: - Think [[join a website with spam auto-disabled for you]] - Think [[auto cancel subscriptions]] - [[pull]] [[flaneur]]